7 Best React Native Local Database For App development



A React Native Developer faces intense pressure to deliver a high-performing, offline-first app that can be scaled at any time. As a result, it can be difficult for developers to select the appropriate technology stack that includes the right database for React Native.

Are you in search of the best database for react native? Here is a list of React Native Local Database development in this blog. They may meet your requirements, such as easily scaling with your user base or supporting offline development capacities. However, before we get into the best local database react native app development, let’s go over the factors to keep in mind!


Factors to Consider While Choosing a Database for React Native App Development

Here are some aspects to take note of while choosing a database for your React Native app:

1. Memory Handling

If data is not handled properly, apps may get crashed more. Albeit maximum databases usually clear their cache in time intervals which makes sure that sufficient memory is accessible for running an app properly.

2. Complexity of Data

It is assessed that for maximum applications, data is preserved either in the form of key values or a JSON structure. This makes it essential to select a database that can manage complicated data structures like full documents or objects.

3. Managing Data Conflicts

If you add more cooperation related features inside the app, you may experience more data conflicts. You must seek databases that share the conflict management rules on the repository pages or website.

Delve into the database documents to beware of the ways they manage syncing and conflicts or explore the trade-offs that are created and the impact it would create on the app.

4. Syncing Data Offline

Presently, users need their apps to work in offline mode also or when their internet connectivity is slow. Thereby, it is important to integrate the database that allows data synchronization when users have connected again to the internet.

5. Concurrency

When an application becomes popular, developers’ responsibilities increase and they need to manage a massive amount of data. Many requests will come from users and it’s very difficult to provide precise data to them.

Hence, it’s extremely essential to learn about the concurrency method applied by various React Native local databases.

6. Ease of Use

You should always select a React Native database that can be combined with fewer efforts. This will help you improve the development procedure and simplify the developers’ job.

Which Are the Best React Native Local Databases For App Development?

1. Realm

Realm is one of the best local database for React Native. The Realm database for react native was created to aid in the development of real-time and offline applications for wearable and mobile devices. The database has proven to be equally useful when developing React Native mobile apps for both iOS and Android

It is not based on ORM or SQLite, so it has its own database engine and does not rely on key-value stores. This is one of the reasons why React native app developers choose Realm as one of the local react native database connection options when dealing with large amounts of data or developing high-performance applications. While other databases exist for simple apps, the combination of Realm database and React native is unique.

Benefits of Realm In React Native

Realm Sync – the sync services run in the background, recording and saving all user interactions and service requests locally.

Offline friendliness via Redux Offline – Redux Offline can be a great option for those looking for a solution to implement offline-first architecture through Realm for React native apps.

Security – It employs a variety of encryption standards for each mobile platform.


The Realm is a completely open-source and free local react database app. The pro version, on the other hand, is not free. However, if you buy the platform for creating react native apps, it will cost you $1750 per month.

2. FireBase

Firebase is also one of the best databases for react native. For the development of react native applications, Firebase supports real-time NoSQL databases. It is chosen primarily for its offline data change and synchronisation capabilities. The reason why Firebase for Startups is so popular is that it is completely capable of handling the M and C of the MVC requirements for react native-based applications.

Benefits of using Firebase for React Native App Development

Data syncing in real-time – with Firebase for React Native, data is synchronised in real time for all clients at the same time. This is especially important when an app goes offline unexpectedly due to a lack of internet connection.

Low setup effort – Firebase provides a cross-platform API that requires minimal setup when used within an application. Furthermore, you won’t need an application server to access the data because it can be accessed directly from a mobile phone.

Offline persistence – the combination of Firebase and React Native allows developers to create real-time apps with offline persistence. This includes marking users’ presence as online or offline and storing a timestamp whenever they disconnect.


Firebase is a free react native storage service that offers up to 1GB of data storage. However, it does offer a minimum price of $25 for 2.5 GB of data storage as well as a pay as you go package.

3. Sqlite

Sqlite was created to provide mobile applications with react native local storage databases. React Native SQLite storage is commonly used by developers. The prominence of the word Lite in the database name implies that it is a lightweight library with minimal setup requirements. It can also be directly integrated into the mobile application for direct database access. Hence it can add up to the list of the best database for react native. 

Benefits of using SQLite for React Native App Development

It is an ACID compliant database that implements SQL standards with some omissions. The library’s architecture is file-based, and there are some tools that can handle all data types with ease and simplicity.

Offline persistence – To enable SQLite offline persistence, developers can use a react-native-SQLite-storage plugin for data management within the application.


SQLite is free to use and open source because it is in the public domain. If you want to obtain a licence for copyright infringement, you must pay a one-time fee of $6000.

4. PouchDB

PouchDB is an open source Javascript database that stores data in JSON format and allows developers to take full advantage of React Native by developing, reading, updating, querying, and deleting queries using a single JavaScript API. MySQL, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB are all supported.

Benefits of using PouchDB for React Native App Development

Because PouchDB runs within a browser, there is no need to perform queries over the network. Overall, this results in faster query execution.

Developers of React native mobile apps can sync data with any supported server and thus run their applications both offline and online.

5. Async Storage

Async is also one of the best local databases for React Native. Async storage is a react native local storage database system that allows developers to store data locally and persist data across app restarts. The database is built with React Native and can be used without any additional setup.

Benefits of using Async Storage for React Native App Development

It is useful when you need to save data that the app requires even after the user has closed the app or device.

6. WatermelonDB

It is a high-performance reactive database for React Native apps built on SQLite that can scale from hundreds to thousands of records without losing speed. With a focus on real-world performance, the database has been well optimised for building complex applications in React Native.

Benefits of using Async Storage for React Native App Development

In addition to scaling over 100 – 10000 records, Watermelon DB enables developers to fully utilise react databases by:

  • First-generation offline system
  • Flow for static typing
  • Developing apps on the SQLite platform

7. Vasern

It is one of the most lightweight, fast, and open-source databases for react native app development. The Vasern API is used not only for local data or react native storage, but also for cloud storage and client syncing. Vasern’s structure and design are inspired by various open-source databases.

Benefits of using Vasern for React Native App Development

Among the advantages of drawing inspiration from multiple open-source databases are:

  • It is free and open source.
  • End-to-end database syncing for developers
  • Concentrate on consistency and performance.
  • Rapid operation